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|tj| Tajikistan +992

Number Format

Area Code:            2-4 ? digits (see note below)
Subscriber Number:    5-7 ? digits (see note below)
Trunk Prefix:         8
International Prefix: 8 (wait) 10
(Sum of Area Code and Subscriber Number is 9; the ex-Soviet numbering format was replaced with the conversion to country code +992. Exact divisions between area code and subscriber number digits are unclear).

Area code information

June 2005 - new subscriber number range in Somonien City

New number range +992 474 42xxxx opened in Somonien City, Rudaki region (formerly Lenin region) for fixed/wireline carrier Service Communication Set.

Source: Communication Regulating Agency at Ministry of Communication announcement (29 June 2005, via ITU).

July 2004 - national numbering plan update

The following number ranges were identified for Tajikistan. Divisions between subscriber number and area code portions are not always clear.

Number range     Place/service
------------     -------------
+992 31 xxxxxxx  Dushanbe (Republican region)
+992 32 xxxxxxx  Kurgan-Tube (Khatlon region)
+992 33 xxxxxxx  Kuliab and region
+992 34 xxxxxxx  Khujand (Sogd region)
+992 35 xxxxxxx  Khorog (Autonomous Mountain Badakhshan region)
+992 372 xxxxxx  Dushanbe (digital exchange)
+992 91 900xxxx  mobile - Dunshanbe (Tajiktel)
+992 91 901xxxx  mobile - Dunshanbe (Tajiktel)
+992 91 902xxxx  mobile - Dunshanbe (Tajiktel)
+992 917 7xxxxx  mobile - Dushanbe (TTMobile)
+992 935 xxxxxx  mobile - Dushanbe (INDIGO)
+992 927 xxxxxx  mobile - Khujand (Somoncom)
+992 918 6xxxxx  mobile - Dunshanbe (Babilon-M)
+992 951 xxxxxx  mobile - Dushanbe (TK Mobile)
Source: JSC Tajiktelecom announcement (19 July 2004, via ITU).

1999-2000 - country code +992 in service

Country code +992 is now in service for Tajikistan.

There was a report that the country code was active as of 25 March 1999. Japanese carrier KDD placed 992 in service from April 1999.

Country code 7 remained valid for calling Tajikistan throughout 1999, but there were inconsistent details when the new country code became mandatory. According to a previous announcement via ITU (June 2000, link no longer available), use of country code +992 became mandatory as of 1 March 2000.

However, according to KDDI bulletin of 22 April 1999, KDD in Japan made +992 mandatory as of 1 January 2000.

(courtesy Toby Nixon and ITU Operational Bulletin).

Other information

Carrier is JSC Tajik Telecom.

Regulator is Communication Regulating Agency at Ministry of Communication (website not found).

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