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Updated 17 July 2007 By Country Code By Country Name Other WTNG pages Acknowledgements
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|th| Thailand +66

Number Format

Area Code:            1-3 digits (see note below)
Subscriber Number:    6-7 digits
Trunk Prefix:         0
International Prefix: 001
Area Codes generally 1-2 digits, but some 3-digit codes for mobile services.

Area code information

1 September 2006 - digit '8' added to mobile numbers

Digit '8' was prepended to the mobile subscriber number to form 8-digit mobile subscriber numbers. This is inserted after either the country code (for calls from outside Thailand) or the trunk prefix '0' (within Thailand).

That is, mobile numbers of international form +66 xxxxxxxx became +66 8 xxxxxxxx. Within Thailand, mobile number dialling changed from 0xxxxxxxx to 08xxxxxxxx.


CAT Telecom announcement, "Overseas Call to mobile number in Thailand"

(report courtesy Earle Martin)

5 July 2001 - new dialling plan - national subscriber numbers

Dialling within Thailand has changed, by forming new 9-digit subscriber numbers from the existing trunk prefix, area codes and subscriber numbers. Local calls must now be dialled in the former long distance format.

An example within Bangkok: the former 7-digit subscriber number (xxx xxxx) must now be dialled as 02xxx xxxx for local calling.

Likewise, outside Bangkok, a number such as (035) xxx.xxx would now be considered 035 xxx xxx, the entire 9 digits dialled within Thailand regardless of whether the call is local or long distance.

There was no associated change to the former area code digits or subscriber numbers. The new national subscriber numbers would mean that the trunk prefix and area codes as such will cease to exist in practice.

From outside Thailand, there is no change to dialling existing numbers. The format remains country code +66 followed by 8 digits (the leading 0 digit is only dialled within Thailand).

A one-month permissive dialling period was put into effect, where old and new dialling formats would be accepted until early August 2001. However, there will be no recorded warning message until the permissive period ends.

New mobile numbers would be assigned to a new 09 prefix. The existing mobile numbers beginning with 01 would remain for now (although these must be dialled in the 9-digit format), but "could not be resold". Reports suggested the existing 01 prefix mobile numbers could change to 09 prefix over the next "several months".

The number inquiries short code will be changed from 13 to 1133.

The number for faults reports will be changed from 17 to 1177.

TOT opened a call centre to provide numbering change information. The short code for this is 1100 (no charge within Thailand).

Official TOT page on new dialling: http://www.tot.or.th/new_numbering/.

Related reports:

(tip courtesy Olivier Ribault, proofreading by Hugh M. Hamilton)

December 2000 - report of numbering capacity problems

telecommNOW/Asia Intelligence Wire reported in December 2000 that some wireless carriers are concerned that the Telephone Organisation of Thailand is about to run out of numbers available to assign. There is demand for TOT to assign new area codes to meet numbering consumption.

Other Information

See telecom carrier site, CAT Telecom. Also, see Telephone Organisation of Thailand, Ministry of Transport and Communications, or PTD.

(with update report courtesy Peerasak Arunsakul)

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