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|mk| Macedonia +389

Number Format

Area Code:            1-2 digits (formerly 2-3 digits)
Subscriber Number:    5-7 digits (some special services 2-3 digits)
Trunk Prefix:         0
International Prefix: 00 (formerly 99)
Note: Skopje (+91 2) has consistent 6-digit subscriber numbers; other geographic areas with 2-digit area codes have 5- or 6-digit subscriber numbers. This was to be standardised so that area code and subscriber number always totals 8 digits.

Area code information

General Information

Numbering formats for Macedonia:

+389 2 xxxxxxx  geographic numbers - Skopje
+389 3x xxxxxx  geographic numbers
+389 4x xxxxxx  geographic numbers
+389 5xxxxxxx   premium, value added, shared revenue
+389 7x xxxxxx  mobile
+389 8xxxxxxx   freephone, shared cost
1xx is general short code format (e.g. 112 for emergency); 10xx format is for carrier access.

Source: Ministry of Transport and Communications - Telecommunications Directorate announcement (via ITU, 9 March 2004).

1 June 2003 - 7-digit subscriber numbers in Skopje

Subscriber numbers in Skopje were converted from 6-digit format to 7-digit format on 1 June 2003, as part of a national renumbering process. Macedonia is adopting European standards for telephone numbering, including use of 112 emergency short code.

Other geographic subscriber numbers in Macedonia will be standardised at 6 digits over time. This is already the case for Bitola (+389 47), Kocani (+389 33), Stip (+389 32), Strumica (+389 34) and Veles (+389 43).

The following describes the conversion of Skopje area subscriber numbers:

Exchange       Old numbers    New numbers
========       ===========    ===========
Centar 1       1xxxxx         31xxxxx
Centar 2       2xxxxx         32xxxxx
Gjorce Petrov  33xxxx-35xxxx  203xxxx-205xxxx
Karpos         36xxxx-39xxxx  306xxxx-309xxxx
Lisice         4xxxxx         24xxxxx
Cento          5xxxxx         25xxxxx
Cair           6xxxxx         26xxxxx
Kisela Voda    7xxxxx         27xxxxx
FixGSM         80xxxx         820xxxx
MTnet prepaid  890890         8908900
Changes will be made to the short codes to adopt the European standard 1xx format in late 2003. The previous 1xxxxx format Skopje subscriber numbers needed to be converted prior to the adoption of 1xx format short codes.

Calls to numbers in the old numbering format are to be transferred to a recorded message.

Sources: Makedonski Telekomunikacii (MakTel).

MakTel announcement (via ITU) of 20 May 2003.

1 October 2001 - area code changes

All area codes in Macedonia since the 1993 introduction of country code +389 were changed in stages. The full implementation schedule is unavailable, but some of the changes are known.

Area code changes on 1 October 2001 completed these changes, which remain in effect as of April 2003.

The following are the 1 October 2001 area code changes:

Place        Old Code    New Code
=====        ========    ========
Bitola       +389 97     +389 47
Debar        +389 96     +389 46
Demir Hisar  +389 97     +389 47
Gevgelija    +389 93     +389 34
Ohrid        +389 96     +389 46
Probistip    +389 92     +389 32
Radovis      +389 902    +389 32
Resen        +389 96     +389 47
Stip         +389 92     +389 32
Struga       +389 96     +389 46
Strumica     +389 902    +389 34
Sveti Nikole +389 92     +389 32
Valandovo    +389 902    +389 34
Permissive operation of old and new codes was effective until 1 April 2002.

Subscriber numbers (5 or 6 digits length) apparently remained unchanged.

Source: MT 14 September 2001 announcement via ITU.

1 December 2000 - area code changes

Various Macedonia area codes were changed since 1 December 2000. There is not an exact correspondence between old and new area code boundaries. For example, the old +389 94 area code was split into +389 42 (Gostivar) and +389 44 (Tetovo).

Place      Old Code  New Code
=====      ========  ========
Gostivar   +389 94   +389 42
Kicevo     +389 95   +389 45
Kochani    +389 903  +389 33
Kumanovo   +389 91   +389 31
Prilep     +389 98   +389 48
Skopje     +389 91   +389 2
Tetovo     +389 94   +389 44
Veles      +389 93   +389 43
Economic Chamber of Macedonia (May 2001) reported on the area code change for Skopje (from +389 91 to +389 2)

A similar report for Skopje appeared in www.mac.doc.gov.



(tip courtesy Linc Madison)

1 October 1993 - country code +389 in service for Macedonia

ITU assigned country code +389, which came into service 1 October 1993 to replace the old Yugoslav country code +38 territory.

The area codes from the former Yugoslavia system (the now-defunct country code +38) were generally retained at the time country code +389 was activated.

Other Information

Regulator is Agency for Electronic Communication (AEC, formerly Ministry of Transport and Communications - Telecommunications Directorate).

Telecom carrier is Macedonia Telekom. Mobile carrier MobiMak.

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