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|yu| Serbia +381

Number Format

Area Code:            2-3 digits
Subscriber Number:    5-7 digits
Trunk Prefix:         0
International Prefix: 00 (was 99)

Area code information

Kosovo situation

Kosovo, formerly under Serbia and previously Yugoslavia, declared independence in 2008. As of 2012, the ITU will not grant a separate country code until Kosovo can obtain separate membership in the United Nations. Meanwhile, fixed telephone numbers continue to use +381 country code, while carrier Vala uses numbers of Monaco +377 and carrier IPKO is associated with Slovenia +386.

Source: Kosovo can't obtain country code (Southeast European Times, 31 October 2011)

1 October 2008 - 99+ decomissioned as international prefix

Serbia has replaced the 99+ international calling prefix with 00+. Permissive use of 00+ began 1 April 2008, with 99+ completely discontinued after 30 September 2008.

Source: As from today calls abroad with 00 prefix (EMportal, 1 October 2008)

(News tip courtesy Risto O. Nykänen)

1 October 2007 - +382 mandatory for Montenegro

Parallel use of +381 and +382 for Montenegro is discontinued; +381 is only valid for Serbia, +382 must now be used for Montenegro.

Source: Joint announcement by Serbia and Montenegro telecom regulators (16 July 2007, via ITU).

(News courtesy Sergiu Rosenzweig)

2006 - separation from Montenegro

Montenegro is now an independent nation, having split from Serbia in June 2006.

Country code +382 was assigned for Montenegro, with Serbia retaining +381. Permissive use of +381 for both nations were retained for a six-month period, presumably ending around March 2007.

Source: International Herald Tribune, 6 September 2006.

December 2003 - new mobile numbers

A 15 December 2003 announcement from Community of Yugoslav PTT, Belgrade, updated the list of assigned mobile number ranges.

The only new assignment noted since the December 2002 announcement was the introduction of +381 62 xxxxxx range numbers for Mobtel Srbija GSM service. All other December 2002 assignments remain in effect.

December 2002 - wireless numbering ranges

The following number ranges represented the various mobile and paging services (based on list from December 2002 (via ITU, now updated).

Number range      Carrier                   Network
========          =======                   =======
+381 61 4xxxxx    Mobtel Srbija             NMT-450
+381 63 xxxxxx(x) Mobtel Srbija             GSM
+381 64 xxxxxxx   Telekom Srbija            GSM
+381 65 xxxxxxx   Telekom Srbija            GSM
+381 66 xxxxxx    Telekom Srbija            Paging    [note 1]
+381 67 xxxxxx    MONET-Telekom Montenegro  GSM
+381 69 xxxxxx    Promonte-Montenegro       GSM
Note 1: Paging subscriber number ranges from 3xxxxx through 7xxxxx.

1 October 1993 - new country code 381 replaces 38

ITU assigned country code 381, which came into service 1 October 1993 to replace the old Yugoslav country code 38 territory.

Other Information

Carrier link: Telecom Serbia (www.telekomsrbija.com).

Regulator/government ministry link: Ministarstvo saobracajai telekomunikacija.

(Telecom Serbia links contributed by Ashleigh Potter).

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