Number Format
Area Code: 1-2 digits
Subscriber Number: 4-9 digits (see note below)
Trunk Prefix: 0
International Prefix: 00
Subscriber numbers are mostly 7 digits, although in certain cases the
length can be 4 to 9 digits.
Area code information
(Numbering in the Finnish Telecommunications network describes
all available PTN access codes, area codes and prefixes in Finland.
Courtesy Kimmo Ketolainen.)
Other Changes
Kimmo Ketolainen reports the following developments (January 1998):
"Finland now has the first 9 digit subscriber lines (in Lapland and in
the capital area)"
"Shortest subscriber line numbers have 5 digits, shortest corporate
switches only 4 digits. Most subscriber line numbers have 7 digits."
"Geographic area codes have two or three signifying numbers
(02 ... 019)"
(including initial 0 trunk digit - DL)
Long-term plans are to drop area codes and establish national subscriber
numbers. However, these will not be standardised at 8 digits as previously
thought, due to the introduction of 9-digit subscriber numbers.
Kimmo Ketolainen reported (November 1997):
"Finland is ready to adopt European jump codes: 1xx to another European
country, such as 146 to Sweden (+46, in future apparently +346)."
12 October 1996 - national renumbering
A new area code system took effect throughout Finland in October 1996.
Area codes were consolidated in this change.
Finland's telecom regulator has a page of
numbering information.
See also Bell Canada's
news release.
Other Information
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