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|tn| Tunisia +216

Number Format

Area Code:            none (formerly 1 digit)
Subscriber Number:    8 digits (formerly 5-6 digits)
Trunk Prefix:         0
International Prefix: 00

Area code information

2012 - numbering plan update

Numbering plan in mid-2012:

Number range    Service
============    =======
+216 2xxxxxxx   mobile, Tunisiana
+216 30xxxxxx   fixed, Orange
+216 31xxxxxx   fixed, Orange
+216 32xxxxxx   fixed, Orange
+216 40xxxxxx   mobile, Tunisie Telecom
+216 41xxxxxx   mobile, Tunisie Telecom
+216 421xxxxx   mobile, Tunisie Telecom
+216 426xxxxx   mobile, Tunisie Telecom
+216 5xxxxxxx   mobile, Orange
+216 7xxxxxxx   fixed, Tunisie Telecom
+216 80xxxxxx   fixed VAS, Tunisie Telecom
+216 81xxxxxx   fixed VAS, Tunisie Telecom
+216 82xxxxxx   fixed VAS, Tunisie Telecom
+216 88xxxxxx   fixed VAS, Tunisie Telecom
+216 9xxxxxxx   mobile, Tunisie Telecom
Source: INT announcement (17 July 2012, via ITU)

20 January 2002 - special numbers, short codes changed

As of 20 January 2002, freephone numbers of the format 100xxx were changed to 8-digit numbers of the format 80100xxx (that is, '80' was prepended to the existing 6-digit freephone number).

The "Unique" numbers of format 101xxx became 81101xxx in a similar process, except that '81' was prepended to the existing 6-digit special number.

Short codes were standardised to a 4-digit format, with some existing 4-digit short codes renumbered.

Reference: announcement from Telecom Tunisie on ITU numbering page.

1 October 2001 - national renumbering

Tunisia converted to an 8-digit national number format on 1 October 2001. The new 8-digit national number is required for all calls, whether local or long distance.

For geographic/fixed numbers, the digit 7 was prepended to the existing area code and existing 6-digit subscriber number to form the new 8-digit national number. For example, within Tunisia, (01) 234567 became 71234567. From outside Tunisia, +216 1 234567 became +216 71234567.

For mobile numbers, the digit 8 was added after the existing mobile area code 9, but before the mobile subscriber number. For example, mobile number within Tunisia of (09) 123456 became 98123456. From outside Tunisia, +216 9 123456 became +216 98123456.

Reference: ITU announcement from Telecom Tunisie.

Other information

Regulator is Instance Nationale des Telecommunications (INT)

Government ministry overseeing telecommunications is Ministry of Communication Technologies.

Major carrier is Tunisie Telecom.

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